Monday 7 April 2014

April/May 2014    SPRING INTO HEALTH

From April and May we are inviting current patients to bring in a family member or close friend to receive a COMPLIMENTARY examination.  Simply call the office and book an appointment.

Friday 31 January 2014

A step in the right direction.....although mind-boggling that this was ever thought of as "ok". I guess $ 1/4 Billion in sales might have played a role.??

Friday 24 January 2014

Very Interesting experiment: Gives us evidence that our thoughts and intentions can be very powerful.

Happy New Year !!! New Years Resolution of Health

Do you have a friend or family member that resolve to look after their Health in 2014?
For the months of January and February you can invite them to our office for a Complimentary Initial Exam. Please call the office for more details.